ABC's runaway hit this season is Ugly Betty. The show that recently won an Emmy, uses fashion in every aspect. The plot follows a simple girl from Queens who begins working a fictional fashion magazine called MODE. Although Betty doesn't wear designer clothes, the rest of the cast is dressed to the nines. Because it's a fashion magazine, designers are always mentioned. Glamorous parties are attended and jeans and a t-shirt would never do. The "closet" is a giant room filled with clothes used in the magazines. In one of the episodes they decided to clean out the closet for the next season. All of the employees sprinted there to be first on the list. They were sure to mention which pieces they got from which designers. Wilhelmina Slater (played by Vanessa Williams) is the creative director at MODE. She and Alexis Mead (Rebecca Romijn) compete for the spotlight and the glamour. They seem to want to always top the other.
There is also a portion on the website where you watch videos that describe the style of each character. Designer labels are also mentioned here. The show works because the product placement seems natural. At a fashion magazine, fashion is all around! Designers are the language and knowing new trends keeps you ahead of the game. The beauty in Ugly Betty is that the product placement is written into the script. Product placement in this setting seems natural and realistic which is what makes the show work so perfectly.
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