Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Earlier this year, Nielson launched a new product placement performance analysis called Place Values. http://www.nielsenmedia.com/nc/portal/site/Public/menuitem.55dc65b4a7d5adff3f65936147a062a0/?vgnextoid=cb475a777a071110VgnVCM100000ac0a260aRCRD The tool allows people to view past product placement and potential placement opportunities. It also allows for clients to test the markets for placing their products. With product placement becoming more and more frequent, it was time that Nielson collect data on it. The data from Place Value is from Nielson's Product Placement Valuation Study. In this study, more than 100,000 people across America voiced their opinions on product placements for over 200 products.

Nielson's Place Values is a software that companies can buy. CBS, CourtTV, FOX, Spring, and Twentieth TV are some of the first customers. The software shows a variety of strategies for product placement and reports on activity by company, brand, or product. Although highly expensive, Place Values offers lots of information on a growing type of promotion. With more research on product placement everyday, companies will surely use the promotion more and more.


Kim Gregson said...

5 extra credit points

Kim Gregson said...

and spell check - nielsen not nielson